Thursday, January 7, 2010

jan 5 lecture

Exercise and heart
Exercise- raises the body’s metabolism
- Using up fat and depositing lean tissue
- Pushes the body composition into lean
- Carbohydrates base tissue dissolves and replaced by protein tissue
- Increased protein tissue increased metabolism
Protein- building block of health
Strength- maximal muscle tension or force
2 types of strength
1. Absolute strength-general str of a healthy person
-doesn’t need exteneous effort to lift
-readily produced by muscle
2. Limiting str-max str that can be achieved
-needs extra effort
1.Cross section area
-the larger cross section area the stronger
-directly proportional to the cross sectional area of a muscle
-found to middle age man can increase it to 40% woman to 15%
Hyperthropy- increasd muscle
-happens after 2-3 mins
2.Testosterone level
-limbic system controls the emotion
-produces libido
-has a powerful anabolic effect in causing greatly increased deposition of protein everywhere in the body, especially in the muscles
*women also have androgens
*carrots is the food for men. Helps testicles to produce testosterone
* estrogen increase fat deposition in women
-the muscle whose insertion is near the axis of rotation of its joint(fulcrum) are for speed and not power(ex. Biceps)
-muscles whose insertion is far from its axis of rotation are for POWER(ex. Triceps)
-ration of an axon to a no. of ms fibers in a motor unit it innervates
-muscles with high innervations ratio are for fine task
-muscles with low innnervation ratio are for gross movements
-upon normal stimulation, motor fire units asynchronously, with training there is an increase I synchrony of fining with a resultant increase in strength
Type1: slow twitch muscle are used for ENDRNCE
Type2: fast twitch muscle fibers are used for POWER
Basis type1 type2
Synonym slow fast
Diameter small large
Energy source aerobic anaerobic
Force generated low high
Innervations ratio lower higher
Speed of contraction slow fast
Myosine ATPase activity low high
Capillary high low
Mitochondria numerous few
Muscle color red white
-measure of total amt of work that muscle can perform in a given period of time
-rate of performing work
-more power in short leverage
-determine not only in str of muscle contraction by all by its distance and the number of….
1.muscular endurance-gaano katagal nakatayo
2.cardiovascular endurance-the lower resting heart rate =healthier=more endurance
3.respiratory endurance-thelower rr=more endurance
4.general total body endurance=muscular/cv/rr
ATP-energy of the body
-phosphocreatine system
-most short lived but has the most ATP
1.ATP is the basic source of energy contraction,each phosphate bond of ATP yields 11k ATP
GGlycogen-lactic acid system
-converted to pyruvic acid from glucose
Lactic acid causes fatigue
-provide30-40 secs of muscle…
-composed of aerobic glycolysis,krebs cycle&electron transport system
-requires oxygen
-1mole of glycogen-39moles of ATP
-system is used for prolonged endurance type of exercise
Phosphagen system-4m ATP/min -10-15secs
Glycolic system-3m ATP/min -20-40secs
Aerobic system-1m ATP/min -unlimited as long as nutrient is present
a.isometric contraction-produce static force w/o any appreciable change I length or visible point motion
b.isotonic contraction
Eccentric contraction-muscle lengthening while developing tension
Concentric contraction-muscle shortening while developing tension
c.isokinetic contraction-accomodating resistance exercise which generates muscle tension inaratelimiting device that controls speed of movement
-must involve large muscle groups
-must be rhythmical and aerobic
-must be maintained continuously
Based on overload principle and specifi principle
Conditioning response must be 70-85% of MHR
70% of healthy young individual
80-95% for athletes
(60-80%)(max mHR-rest HR)+rest HR=TMR=target heart rate
THR-approximation of where your heart rate should be at a certain percentage of its max intensity

20-30mins at 70% max HR
45mins if intensity is below heart rate threshold
3mins 3x a day for conditioned patients
3-4 a week for optimum result
2x a week (no cardiovascular changes)
30-45mins, 3-4x a week (protects against CHO)
purpose: increased need for oxygen
adaption of the sensitivity of the neural respiratory center
*increase venom’s return prevents
b.aerobic training
-continuous training 15-30secs rest
-interval training 1-2mins rest
Circuit training- requires the whole body to move
-20 mins=30mins
Rest at 15-30secs
No stopping
Prevents pooling of blood and fainting
Enhance period w/oxidation of metabolic waste
5-3 mins

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Tropang Tunay Series

I'll just plug the
It's a must read!

This is so hilarious!!! hahaha!
I was laughing my head off when I was reading it.
Pong has a way of expressing himself huh. XD
Well if you have time, just visit it and you won't regret it~


Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Have you ever wondered what your babies would look like?
But I enjoyed looking through these pictures:

Nedelane - Ned and my Mame Caz's.
I like the lips!

Terepong - Look Pong its your baby!

MJ - Mayk and Jenny's.
Haha! It's so cute oh~

JaeWell - Well and mine's.
Haha. Taray ng Kilay!

I didn't make these pictures ha. Ned did! haha!
He named the babies too =p.
Here's where he did it .
To Mame Caz, Jenny, Tere and Pong, please don't kill me T_T (kill Ned instead! >:D).
(How come yung baby ko lang yon mataba? T_T)

Random Excerpts

I was browsing my YM archive and found some really funny conversations.
Just wanna share them to you guys. hehe

Phong Maeda: alam mo ung pambalot ng lumpia sak?
cin_jhei: lumpia wrapper
Phong Maeda: un
cin_jhei: aanhin mo pong
Phong Maeda: nagliliparan sa pronts ang wala


Richard Lawrence Donor: sak
cin_jhei: yo
Richard Lawrence Donor: ano gwa mo?
cin_jhei: resto city ahaha
Richard Lawrence Donor : boo
cin_jhei: why
cin_jhei: san ka woe mea dokmon?
Richard Lawrence Donor : wala
Richard Lawrence Donor: baka hercs
cin_jhei: baket wala rc is so goood
cin_jhei : how come ur booooo-ing it T_T
Richard Lawrence Donor: rc?
cin_jhei: resto siti ahaha
Richard Lawrence Donor: =))
cin_jhei: come play wid us dokmon
Richard Lawrence Donor: kaktamad gmwa ng acct
Richard Lawrence Donor: =))
cin_jhei: gusto mo si pong pa gumawa para sau
Richard Lawrence Donor): d na
Richard Lawrence Donor: ma compromise pa acct ko
cin_jhei: ahahaha
Richard Lawrence Donor: dati
Richard Lawrence Donor: cnubukan ko tlga
Richard Lawrence Donor: KASO ang hirap
Richard Lawrence Donor: =))
cin_jhei: waa
cin_jhei: ano ung mahirap
Richard Lawrence Donor: paggwa ng acct
Richard Lawrence Donor: =))
Richard Lawrence Donor: lam mo na
Richard Lawrence Donor: ung pag isip ng username
Richard Lawrence Donor: ang hirap


Richard Lawrence Donor: die sak
Richard Lawrence Donor: >:)
cin_jhei: yea live me >:)
Richard Lawrence Donor: if u live urself
Richard Lawrence Donor: ull die
Richard Lawrence Donor: :-s
cin_jhei: noooooooooooo
cin_jhei: ill still live T_T
Richard Lawrence Donor: coz ur undead
Richard Lawrence Donor: =))


cin_jhei: tae niyo mga spammer kayo..nagpupulot ako ng kabute eh..gulo niyuo hahaha-grp
Mark Anthony Huiden: tae ang basa ko bulate... paranoid amp!
Mark Anthony Huiden: kabute pla
Mark Anthony Huiden: =))

See how crazy me and my friends are? XD

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I miss my niece Cinco T_T

Friday, August 14, 2009

Playlist Changed ^_^

Finally! I get to change the song on my sidebar! Haha! Been meaning to change it for like ages! *well, not really ages, haha XD actually kahapon lang talaga dapat change ko na, kaya lang I'm too lazy to do so~ haha~* It was hard for me to change the playlist because I'm using my laptop and it's so slow XD I think my laptop's lifespan is about to be over. *Huhu poor laftaf T_T*

I'm a music lover and the genre that I usually listens to is alternative rock. *Though sometimes I listen to other genres too. Like now, I'm into mellow love songs XD* Haha my friends aren't that fanatic of the music I listen to so that's why sometimes I am "forced" to listen to what they like. It's ok for me though, I get to expand my knowledge of songs *hehe*.

Anyway, lately I've been listening to Nina's and M.Y.M.P's songs. I got so hooked with their songs that I keep on playing them over and over again. I feel like I can't get enough of their music even though I've been listening to them the whole day~ haha XD. I can't help but sing along when i listen to their songs.
*kahit na hindi ako binigyan ni God ng talent sa pagkanta haha*

I still want to continue writing this post but I'm so sleepy na T_T. Maybe I'll just edit this one later on when i wake up~ Btw it's alreay 2.06am XD Have to have my beauty sleep XD

Monday, August 10, 2009


A picture of a sleeping me.
(Waaa I can't think of anything to say ahahaha XD)